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Beyond writing books and giving presentations, Azim loves to stay committed to his work as a writer. Every month he publishes a newsletter in which he follows his “Musings” and answers a Question of the Month.  The topics range from his expertise in peacebuilding and forgiveness to seasonal topics such as New Year’s mission statements to the rebirth of spring, leadership near elections, gratitude in the fall and more. Here you can find the archive of his newsletters for your reading enjoyment.

Subscribe to the newsletter HERE to get them delivered to you in real-time along with pertinent information like upcoming events, new media podcasts as they broadcast and other important updates. The official newsletter releases every second Tuesday of the month, so with this subscription, you will receive only one newsletter and your email address is kept completely confidential. Thank you for the continued support!

If you have a topic that you like to read Azim’s “Musings” about or a suggestion for our Question of the Month, please contact the newsletter  admin using the form below with your ideas and requests.

Question of the Month: How do You Surrender in the Face of Change?

By teamazim / October 31, 2020 /

The short answer is to live in unwavering faith. There is a divine order to the Universe. Consider the integrity of the stars and planets – although in constant orbit – they are exactly where they need to be at any given time and season. It is because of this we have been able to…

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Monthly Musing: New Season, New You

By teamazim / October 31, 2020 /

The one constant in life is change. The winds of autumn signal to our bodies that a shift is coming. Fall changes are visible all around in the dropping of leaves, technicolor trees, October berries, and fresh seeds. Aligning with Mother Nature’s seasonal rhythms puts you in the flow of life. Fall, in the Northern Hemisphere,…

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Question of the Month: How Do We Connect in a Time of Dis-Connect?

By teamazim / October 5, 2020 /

In the pandemic world, we are fortunate to have technology that can help us connect not only with our family and friends through social media but to a much larger pool of subject matter experts worldwide. With the internet and technologies like Zoom and other group sharing programs, we can be connected to a support…

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Monthly Musing: Bring in the Troops

By teamazim / October 5, 2020 /

In my book “The Secrets of the Bulletproof Spirit – How to Bounce Back from Life’s Hardest Hits” (BPS) there is a chapter titled, “Bring in the Troops.” The one thing that helped me the most when I lost Tariq is that I knew clearly that I could not navigate this devastating blow by myself. I needed serious…

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Question of the Month: What is the First Step to Forgiving Yourself?

By teamazim / August 17, 2020 /

QUESTION OF THE MONTH What is the FIRST step to forgiving yourself? The first step to forgiving yourself is to take responsibility for your action. Often, we blame others for our misgivings. Bad parenting, tough circumstances, unfortunate life cycle, the unfairness of life, and a million other excuses. It takes courage to admit that you were…

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Monthly Musing: The Benefits of Forgiveness

By teamazim / August 17, 2020 /

Dear Friend, Happy August! I am happy to share that I recently enjoyed some R & R with a friend at Lake Arrowhead and hope you, too, have found some semblance of a relaxing summer. It is so important to take care of ourselves! Relaxing in nature and visiting with family are two great ways…

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Question of the Month: How Do You Know if You Are Holding on to Negative Emotions?

By teamazim / July 15, 2020 /

QUESTION OF THE MONTH How Do You Know if You are Holding on to Negative Emotions? Surprisingly I get asked this a lot and people often uncover hidden emotions like anger, resentment, guilt, and shame through participating in my workshops and conferences. In fact, in my recent Master Series there were a few participants that…

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Monthly Musing: Increase Your Soulular Quotient

By teamazim / July 15, 2020 /

Dear Friend, I hope this newsletter finds you well in the swing of summer and that you have adjusted your sails to accommodate the winds of change. I usually travel a great deal as a keynote speaker and conference leader and have also had to reorient my work to the remote and virtual platforms like…

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Question of the Month: How Do We Heal From This? What Can We Do to Be the Change?

By teamazim / June 9, 2020 /

It is imperative that we do more than just show up on the surface, for a short period of time at these protests and through social media posts. That is the first step and quite noteworthy as a moment of historical importance, but true reform happens in legislation, through education and the implementation of knowledge.…

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Monthly Musings: What Is Our True Nature?

By teamazim / June 9, 2020 /

These past few days have created a heavy heart in many including me and our country and people have been in my daily prayers and meditations. I have tremendous faith in the resilience of our citizens and our brothers and sisters in the world. While the media often has an eye on violence, I think…

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