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Beyond writing books and giving presentations, Azim loves to stay committed to his work as a writer. Every month he publishes a newsletter in which he follows his “Musings” and answers a Question of the Month.  The topics range from his expertise in peacebuilding and forgiveness to seasonal topics such as New Year’s mission statements to the rebirth of spring, leadership near elections, gratitude in the fall and more. Here you can find the archive of his newsletters for your reading enjoyment.

Subscribe to the newsletter HERE to get them delivered to you in real-time along with pertinent information like upcoming events, new media podcasts as they broadcast and other important updates. The official newsletter releases every second Tuesday of the month, so with this subscription, you will receive only one newsletter and your email address is kept completely confidential. Thank you for the continued support!

If you have a topic that you like to read Azim’s “Musings” about or a suggestion for our Question of the Month, please contact the newsletter  admin using the form below with your ideas and requests.

Question of the Month: How Do You Strengthen Your Spiritual Resilience?

By teamazim / June 9, 2020 /

The difference between people that are spiritually resilient and spiritually fragile is inspiration and information. The good news is that spiritual resiliency is a gift we were born with and through regular spiritual practice, we continue to strengthen. The practice is important. In my book, The Secrets of the Bulletproof Spirit – How to Bounce Back…

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Awakening a Global Vision, Collective Wisdom, and Spiritual Activism

By teamazim / June 9, 2020 /

Many years ago I gave a talk at a conference themed on “Collective Wisdom –Spiritual Activism” co-organized by AGNT (Association of Global New Thought) and IONS (Institute of Noetic Science). The conference was attended by 3,500 participants spanning from Wednesday to Sunday. Saturday was the climactic day with the theme “Living a Life of a Spiritual Activist.”…

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Monthly Musings: Bardo — A Lesson From Buddhism

By teamazim / April 17, 2020 /

Dear Friend, My journey has taught me many lessons along the way, one of them which is particularly useful in a time like the one we are collectively experiencing right now. Below I muse upon the Buddhist notion of a Bardo, which may offer you some insight into your own personal transformation through this time. Like…

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Monthly Musings: Leadership for the Greater Good – A Guide for Truth to Power Champions

By teamazim / April 7, 2020 /

Dear Friend, Spring always brings new life, new beginnings, a fresh start and an array of growth. This is very true in my professional career currently, as I am in the midst of my 5th book’s final publication steps and 2020 launch. Behind the scenes, I have been re-vamping my website, sharing more information via social…

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Monthly Musings: Self-Love, Self-Forgiveness, & Creating Inner Peace

By teamazim / April 7, 2020 /

Dear Friend, As February unfolds we are reminded about the importance of love in our lives. Walking through any store this time of year, you are sure to see hearts, cards, flowers, and chocolate cupids with heart-shaped bows and arrows. But we all know money cannot buy love. And we also know that romantic love…

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