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Beyond writing books and giving presentations, Azim loves to stay committed to his work as a writer. Every month he publishes a newsletter in which he follows his “Musings” and answers a Question of the Month.  The topics range from his expertise in peacebuilding and forgiveness to seasonal topics such as New Year’s mission statements to the rebirth of spring, leadership near elections, gratitude in the fall and more. Here you can find the archive of his newsletters for your reading enjoyment.

Subscribe to the newsletter HERE to get them delivered to you in real-time along with pertinent information like upcoming events, new media podcasts as they broadcast and other important updates. The official newsletter releases every second Tuesday of the month, so with this subscription, you will receive only one newsletter and your email address is kept completely confidential. Thank you for the continued support!

If you have a topic that you like to read Azim’s “Musings” about or a suggestion for our Question of the Month, please contact the newsletter  admin using the form below with your ideas and requests.

Question of the Month: Still Learning Lessons as Father?

By Azim Khamisa / June 1, 2014 /

QUESTION   What are you still learning as a father / grandfather? ANSWER Over the years there have been many lessons. One of the biggest lessons is to learn patience. Children can be very challenging, and there are times when the tendency is to judge, punish and scream rather than teach. However – it is important…

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Question of the Month: Do You Offer One-on-One Sessions?

By Azim Khamisa / May 1, 2014 /

QUESTION    Do you facilitate one-on-one sessions for those challenged with resentment about something that happened in the past?   ANSWER Yes I have held one-on-one sessions as well as counseled couples and management teams. Each one receives a custom approach. Many of us are dealing with challenges in our lives such as breakups, management disputes,…

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Question of the Month: What is Your Attitude in Paying Taxes?

By Azim Khamisa / April 1, 2014 /

QUESTION    What is your attitude when paying income taxes? How do you stay out of resentment? ANSWER It is important to pay taxes so that our US Government can function. My issue with paying taxes is not the money, but how it is being spent. Getting engaged in changing the allocation – as attempted by…

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Question of the Month: When People Drag You Down?

By Azim Khamisa / March 1, 2014 /

   QUESTION   If you are living at a higher frequency and someone triggers you into a lower frequency, what sort of communication can be made to that other person? ANSWER Nobody can trigger you to a lower frequency; only you can allow that. If you are habitually living in the high vibratory emotions you would…

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Question of the Month: What is the Progress in Learning About “Sustainable Relationships?”

By Azim Khamisa / February 1, 2014 /

QUESTION    How is your process of learning about the “sustainable relationships?” ANSWER There has been much growth around the topic of sustainable relationships. Relationships by their nature are challenging and difficult. But they are necessary for our growth as evidenced by Dawn and Ed’s sharing. Over half of relationships break up. In these situations, the…

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Question of the Month: After Someone has done You Wrong….

By Azim Khamisa / January 1, 2014 / Comments Off on Question of the Month: After Someone has done You Wrong….

        QUESTION   After someone has done you wrong with a dreadful action, and then given the words of apology, how does one look beyond that situation to still trust the person? ANSWER Great question. Jesus was asked how often do I forgive, and his answer was 7 times 70 – which basically means all…

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Question of the Month: A Time to Reflect on Nelson Mandela

By Azim Khamisa / December 1, 2013 / Comments Off on Question of the Month: A Time to Reflect on Nelson Mandela

  QUESTION   What are your thoughts and memories of Nelson Mandela? ANSWER Having grown up in Africa – referred to as the Dark Continent – I was witness to much violence. In many ways the continent over the last several decades has grown darker. Nelson Mandela was the one bright light in Africa’s history and…

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Question of the Month: A Favorite Thanksgiving Day

By Azim Khamisa / November 1, 2013 / Comments Off on Question of the Month: A Favorite Thanksgiving Day

  QUESTION   What has been your favorite Thanksgiving? ANSWER Thanksgiving is a time when I usually go on a week-long retreat by myself. Most of the time, I travel to the Big Island in Hawaii where I have a time-share. I completed both my first and second books there and remember the long meditations, walks…

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Question of Month: How is Tony Hicks?

By Azim Khamisa / October 1, 2013 / Comments Off on Question of Month: How is Tony Hicks?

QUESTION   How is Tony doing now that he’s been in jail for 18 years? ANSWER Tony continues his program in prison, as hard as that is. He is keeping a good attitude and reading, writing and studying. He reads five books a month and recently has started to write poetry. He is 12 units away…

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Question of Month: Syria and War?

By Azim Khamisa / September 1, 2013 / Comments Off on Question of Month: Syria and War?

QUESTION   What are your thoughts as a peace-maker around the potential war with Syria? What stand shall a peace-maker take? ANSWER War is where death is fed! I always maintain that violence and war is never the appropriate option. It always makes things worse not better. Every war has created another war. In terms of…

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