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Beyond writing books and giving presentations, Azim loves to stay committed to his work as a writer. Every month he publishes a newsletter in which he follows his “Musings” and answers a Question of the Month.  The topics range from his expertise in peacebuilding and forgiveness to seasonal topics such as New Year’s mission statements to the rebirth of spring, leadership near elections, gratitude in the fall and more. Here you can find the archive of his newsletters for your reading enjoyment.

Subscribe to the newsletter HERE to get them delivered to you in real-time along with pertinent information like upcoming events, new media podcasts as they broadcast and other important updates. The official newsletter releases every second Tuesday of the month, so with this subscription, you will receive only one newsletter and your email address is kept completely confidential. Thank you for the continued support!

If you have a topic that you like to read Azim’s “Musings” about or a suggestion for our Question of the Month, please contact the newsletter  admin using the form below with your ideas and requests.

Question of the Month: What Did my Authentic 2022 Involve?

By teamazim / December 16, 2022 / Comments Off on Question of the Month: What Did my Authentic 2022 Involve?

I typically muse about my year in review for the final newsletter of each calendar year. Having been inspired to direct you toward living a more authentic life and choosing presence over routine when the former limits you from being most authentic, I decided to highlight some of the lesser-known events that make up the…

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Monthly Musing: Living Authentically

By teamazim / December 16, 2022 / Comments Off on Monthly Musing: Living Authentically

December is a time for reflecting on the passing year and meditating on the aspirations of the year to come. I love this time of the year as the world is decorated with vibrantly colorful lights and ornaments, joyous parties, and spirited gatherings with family and friends. The music is upbeat, positive, and cheerful, and the…

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Question of the Month: What is a Soulular Discovery Masterclass?

By teamazim / December 12, 2022 / Comments Off on Question of the Month: What is a Soulular Discovery Masterclass?

What is a Soulular Discovery Masterclass? After teaching workshops for over two decades, it has become clear to me that the work we do together is “Soulular” — changing the cell level of the soul. Spiritual resiliency is hard to explain, as are the benefits of forgiveness. So, instead of mislabeling the masterclass as a “forgiveness…

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Monthly Musing: The Path to Truth

By teamazim / December 12, 2022 / Comments Off on Monthly Musing: The Path to Truth

A good friend of mine and fellow nonprofit Board Member, Peter Evans, organized my full-day presentation to the Seattle YPO Gold retreat in beautiful Sun Valley recently. To acknowledge the success of the presentation and the overall retreat, he gifted me the book titled, The Forty Rules of Love by Elif Shafak. I eagerly packed it as my…

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Question of the Month: How Do Rituals Support Your Optimal Life?

By teamazim / October 20, 2022 / Comments Off on Question of the Month: How Do Rituals Support Your Optimal Life?

Having spiritual resiliency and soulular strength leads to the personal freedom to experience inner peace, joy, and abundance. Another great way to increase your spiritual strength is to engage in the age-old practices of rituals. Having just celebrated the Jewish high holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, I am reminded of the importance of…

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Monthly Musing: Forgiveness – The Crown Jewel of Personal Freedom

By teamazim / October 20, 2022 / Comments Off on Monthly Musing: Forgiveness – The Crown Jewel of Personal Freedom

As the whole world has witnessed a historical moment with Queen Elizabeth’s recent passing, the notion of “crown jewels” has made its way into my monthly musing. The Queen was a prized gem herself and as we reminisce on her unique legacy, the widely used term from the UK referring to the stately jewelry she…

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Question of the Month: If “Hurt People Hurt People” Can Healed People Heal People?

By teamazim / September 16, 2022 / Comments Off on Question of the Month: If “Hurt People Hurt People” Can Healed People Heal People?

There is a popular saying “hurt people hurt people,” which speaks to the cycle of abuse present in our society. But what I have come to believe is the same is true for the healing community. Those of us who do the work of forgiveness, have the opportunity to break the cycle and create a…

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Monthly Musing: What I learned from Students Behind Bars

By teamazim / September 16, 2022 / Comments Off on Monthly Musing: What I learned from Students Behind Bars

Recently, I presented two restorative workshops to the inmates at the Federal Prison for Men in Terre Haute, Indiana. I opened with the impact of crime on victims, the domino effect of crime, and how the pain never dissipates. These workshops addressed pain, healthy grieving, accountability, changing behavior, redemption, the forgiveness of others–and more importantly–the…

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Question of the Month: Want to Know More About NACRJ?

By teamazim / August 15, 2022 / Comments Off on Question of the Month: Want to Know More About NACRJ?

The National Association of Community and Restorative Justice promotes effective forms of justice that are safe, just, equitable, sustainable, reparative, and socially constructive, addressing not only crime but conflict, incivility, injustice, and all forms of harm. NACRJ hosts the biennial National Conference of Community and Restorative Justice and provides support for members. “Shaping Justice for the 21st…

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Monthly Musing: Using the Tenets of Restorative Practices to Transform Society

By teamazim / August 15, 2022 / Comments Off on Monthly Musing: Using the Tenets of Restorative Practices to Transform Society

Having recently returned from the NACRJ (National Association of Community and Restorative Justice) conference held in Chicago, I am still feeling the high vibrations from that experience. The TKF team, which included Tasreen, Benita, and Tony, proudly presented on TKF’s Safe School Model. I was their surprise guest speaker! It was one of the most inspirational meetings…

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